Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Education Unit 4

Marina Mikelli
  1. _ _ _ E _ _ _ _ _
  2. _ _ _ _ _ D _ _ _
  3. _ U _ _ _ _
  4. _ C _ _ _ _ _ _
  5. _ _ _ _ A _ _
  6. T _ _ _ _
  7. _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  8. _ _ _ O _ _
  9. N _ _ _ _ _ _


  1. In greek schools , the _________ is the same every week
  2. Students from 11 to 16 ages ____________
  3. You can have this exams if you are between 16 to 18 years old__________
  4. An to be year has terms and midterms____________
  5. A student in this school , you have to been froms to 11 year old __________
  6. A academy year has 3 of those , Septemper to December , Janauary to March and April to July ______
  7. At __________ you can study a lot of subjects é.g bissiness studies
  8. Noone lives____ before he is 18
  9. It the most fanny and enjoyable school of all . But you are a student there only from 3 to 5 years old ___________

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